Welcome to Wholethyme Kitchen.

Wholethyme Kitchen was created the moment I started preparing meals in my home kitchen and shared them with others. At the time, I did not realize that I was subconsciously creating a business because the act of cooking was second nature. In 2016, I transitioned into a vegan lifestyle and honestly had no clue what I was doing. I used to eat a lot of highly processed vegan food products, french fries from some of my favorite childhood establishments and other random “vegan” dishes that I would come across as I traveled for work.

The deeper I delved into “veganism” I realized that wholethyme (no pun intended) it was an agenda that I did not align with the way I assumed I did. I knew that deep down, I was shifting my eating to support my body. I no longer wanted to put my body through such rigorous processes for it to metabolize the food that I was eating. It was as if a lightbulb hit one day for me: eat cleaner. No need to try to emulate any meats, seafoods, dairy, etc if it was what I was looking to slowly remove from my lifestyle. Instead of seeking substitution, I yearned for nourishment and that could most certainly be found in a plant based diet.

In 2019, I took some time off from the world for an introspective retreat that landed me in school where I studied nutrition, food science, agriculture, biology and other sciences that are intrinsically connected to the progression of our people.

By highlighting the nutritious benefits in the abundance of food that grows from the earth, I knew that this information would benefit my community more ways than none. On May 5th, 2021, I curated my first plant based Taco Tuesday pop up and in turn created an event that would hold space for foodies who wanted a healthier space to commune around food.

Brand Promises:

I offer a holistic, plant based approach to life for foodies who are interested in shifting into a healthier state of being so that they can show up in the world daily with ease and grace.

I develop flavorful, plant based recipes for foodies who are losing inspiration in the kitchen so that they can find their way back to their safe haven.

I teach cooking, baking, and nutrition education for those who are seeking a relatable voice to learn from so that they can begin their own journeys in the kitchen.

Meet our Founder

My name is Teshauna and I am multifaceted scientist, artist, and student of life. I am currently growing and evolving through multiple iterations of my spirit and I can say that these days, I enjoy showing up as a natural nurturer and creator. When I am not working, I am cultivating the art of being. Showing up as who I am, without any need to suppress my true essence.

My kitchen journey began early on in life. To be honest, I used to watch the food network day in and day out, sauté hot dogs with old bay and parsley and think I was somebody’s five star chef. I mean, you couldn’t tell me anything. Being firmly rooted in a West Indian household, learning how to cook was inevitable. I am grateful for the abundance of home economic skills that my household possessed and passed down to me.

I learned that food was not just food; it was a deliberate act of care. A direct way to tend to someone’s well being. Through cooking for others, I can shift into a selfless state of existence where I put love at the forefront and allow it to guide me throughout the preparation of the meal. Flavors, colors, scents, sounds- food stimulates all of our senses whether we notice it or not. Through my cooking, I invite the foodie to a sacred experience with their food. This will naturally shift them into a conscious, holistic approach that will inspire them to be more mindful of what they are consuming

Whether it be in the kitchen or behind the camera, I am looking forward to sharing my knowledge and lifestyle gems with you all.

If you are interested in working with me in any capacity, please feel free to email me at info@wholethymekitchen.org.